Workforce Development
BC’s workforce challenges are ecosystem problems that require ecosystem solutions.
BurnabyWorks provides those solutions for Burnaby’s business community.
BurnabyWorks brings stakeholders throughout the ecosystem together to collaboratively address workforce challenges through programs, partnerships, and centralized resources. It works to build awareness, engagement, and pathways between industry and job-seeker communities. It leverages the strength of stakeholders to create shared outcomes greater than the sum of their parts.

Burnaby Works Offers:
Industry EngagementHR Network
Speaker Network
Industry Breakfasts
Fostering Inclusive EmploymentHow to Hire Series
Facilitated Networking
Events – Newcomer Pathways, etc.
Career OpportunitiesBTS, Career Futures work in schools
Speaker network
Work Integrated Learning
Connecting Employers with Job Seeker Communities & Centralizing Workforce Resources
BurnabyWorks is proud to collaborate with:
Industry Associations:
- Vancouver Regional Construction Association
- BC Restaurant and Food Association
- IATSE 891
- BC Landscaping and Nursery Association
- Life Sciences BC
- Engineers and Geo Scientists BC
- Futurepreneur
Post- Secondary:
- Douglas
- Alexander College
- University Canada West
- Pacific Links College
- Vancouver Community College
School District:
- School District 41
- City of Burnaby
- Canadian Mental Health Association – Vancouver Fraser
- Burnaby Family Life
- Burnaby Neighbourhood House
- Neil Squire Society
- Down Syndrome Resource Foundation